Dear New Homeowner,

The Maverick Homeowner’s Maintenance Manual is written in a manner that we hope will help you understand how your new home functions. It is a resource manual, which is intended for informational purposes only.

If you follow these few simple maintenance procedures, in a timely manner as described in this manual, your home will give you many years of pleasure and comfort. The manual explains in simple and easily understood language your normal Homeowner’s Maintenance responsibilities, which should always be conducted in a prudent, cautious and safe manner. If you feel that certain types of maintenance or repairs are beyond your particular capabilities, we suggest and urge you to call a professional, licensed contractor to perform the needed work. We have attempted to cover all of your home’s maintenance areas with as much pertinent information and their primary needs as possible. Since our manual is widely distributed in many states, some information may not pertain or apply to your geographic location.
It is impossible to address every scenario or method of maintenance. If we have omitted anything and you are unsure of how to proceed, we suggest that you refer to the manufacturer’s written instructions, or contact a local professional contractor.

Important note regarding any and all manufactured items (eg: appliances, garage doors, windows and doors, toilets, sinks, tubs, faucets, etc.)

The suggestions and recommendations found in this manual are not intended to replace or substitute any of the manufacturer’s recommendations. If you should notice a conflict between our suggestions and those recommendations provided by the manufacturer, the manufacturer’s directions and guidelines always supersede our suggestions.

NOTE: this maintenance manual addresses various types of construction throughout the country. therefore, some of the construction materials described in this maintenance manual may not be applicable to your home.

Welcome To Your New Home!

In order to acquaint you with the maintenance requirements and warranty information about your new home, we are providing you with this Homeowner’s Maintenance Manual which consists of four chapters:

1. Homeowner’s Maintenance Checklists

2. General Information & Safety Tips

3. Homeowner’s Maintenance Information

4. Glossary of Construction Terms

This book will provide useful information which will assist you in the maintenance and service requirements of your new home.

The Homeowner’s Maintenance Checklists provide several lists of important preventative maintenance procedures required at periodic intervals. By adhering to these checklists, you can discover and correct minor maintenance problems before they become a major expense.

The General Information & Safety Tips section contains valuable information concerning public utilities coming into your home as well as a few safety tips which you should observe when doing routine maintenance.

The Homeowner’s Maintenance Information section gives you an explanation of the basic components of your home. This section will note the normal repairs that may be required and gives you helpful hints on how to care for your home.

The Glossary of Construction Terms

This glossary of construction terms defines for the layman descriptions and terms used in the construction industry. A few minutes spent in reviewing this section can result in you having a more comprehensive knowledge of how your home is constructed and can be of great benefit when dealing with construction trades people.